Prije nekoliko dana pisali smo u članku:
o neslužbenoj objavi prijedlog nove EU Uredbe o regulaciji umjetne inteligencije (AI, Artificial Intelligence):
Sad donosimo i pismo skupine zastupnika u Europskom parlamentu (ima i hrvatskih potpisnika) od 15.04.2021.:
kojim se u nekoliko bitnih točaka izražava oštro protivljenje iscurjelom draftu EU Uredbe o regulaciji umjetne inteligencije.
Kako se na GDPR Croatia ne bavimo politikom niti želimo zastupati ičija politička stajališta i kako nam je cilj informirati sve zainteresirane o novostima, savjetima i upozorenjima u svijetu zaštite osobnih podataka, tako ćemo i ovaj put samo citirati neke od rečenica iz pisma EU parlamentaraca:
"People who constantly feel watched and under surveillance
cannot freely and courageously stand up for their rights and for a just society.
Surveillance, distrust and fear risk gradually transforming our society into one of uncritical consumers who believe they have “nothing to hide” and - in a vain attempt to achieve total security - are prepared to give up their liberties.
That is not a society worth living in!
For these reasons the processing of personal data for indiscriminate surveillance, profiling which threatens personal integrity, the targeted exploitation of vulnerabilities, addictive designs and dark patterns, and methods of influencing political elections that are incompatible with the principle of democracy should be banned."
Vezano za članak 4. prijedloga Uredbe:
"We strongly protest the proposed second paragraph of this Article 4 which would exempt public authorities and even private actors acting on their behalf “in order to safeguard public security”.
Public security is precisely what mass surveillance is being justified with, it is where it is practically relevant, and it is where the courts have consistently annulled legislation on indiscriminate bulk processing of personal data (e.g. the Data Retention Directive). This carve-out needs to be deleted."
Vezano za članke 42. i 43. prijedloga Uredbe:
"Articles 42 and 43 then aim at regulating biometric mass surveillance in public spaces, for example to identify citizens or analyse their behaviour and sensitive characteristics (e.g. gender, sexuality, ethnicity, health) without their consent.
Biometric mass surveillance technology in publicly accessible spaces is widely being criticised for wrongfully reporting
large numbers of innocent citizens, systematically discriminating against under-represented groups and having a chilling effect on a free and diverse society.
This is why a ban is needed.
The proposed Articles 42 and 43, however, not only fail to ban biometric mass surveillance. They could even be interpreted to create a new legal basis and thus actively enable biometric
mass surveillance where it is today unlawful (e.g. under Article 9 GDPR).
We urge you to make sure that existing protections are upheld and a clear ban on biometric mass surveillance in public spaces is proposed. This is what a majority of citizens want."